Friday, 11 December 2009

This is class

This is done by Elliot Cowan, ( he works in New York and he wrote the ongoing series of The Stressful Adventures of Boxhead and Roundhead, an animated series that's played at film festivals world wide.

Influential work.

According to Dave, this influences all of my work so I thought it only fair to whack it on!

I had to put this up, it's mesmerising.

Group project progress

My Robot is finished! Hoorah. (I love loc-line)

All of our set pieces, our flat images for the "Scrapyard-wasteland" are finished, they just need to be printed off, Karl is in the process of building the main character's house/shack. Pencil and ink-work of the storyboards are almost finished and will be ready to digitally rework very soon. All is well. Hopefully!

Friday, 4 December 2009

New found Loc-Line and an almost finished Robot!

I finally have my Loc-Line and it was the easiest thing to work with I have EVER experienced!
My Robot model has been totally revamped and will be ready to animate in a day or two. As soon as he's completely done I'll put some pictures up.