Friday, 7 May 2010


1. Complete storyboards and all related work, research and portfolio for 1000 EYES script; "LOST & FOUND"

2. Complete 2 copies of showreel for final hand-in

3. Organize PPD and Work-Related files

Final Show idea

Friday, 30 April 2010

Weekly Aims and Objectives

For my final project I am working on a script titled "Lost and Found" from a company called 1000 EYES (Dave), and I'm working on putting forward a set of storyboards to give him a visual representation of his script. Hopefully, it should be completely finished by mid-next week, which will allow me to focus on colouring up and enhancing them.

Devil Squad - all pretty and messed up digitally

Cartoon Network complete (sort of)

This is my semi-completed project for the YCN Cartoon Network brief. It's...alright but I really want to go back to it when I can to make it nice and shiny for my end of year Portfolio, some sound would probably be nice too. But this is how it turned out initially.

Work from my Portfolio

I had to totally bring my Portfolio up to scratch for my interviews, the one at Sunderland didn't go to hot (as I've probably mentioned) but the one for Creative Practise earned me a place!

So here's some of the work I put forward;

Friday, 26 March 2010

sometimes at night, i look at the stars and wonder what came first the chicken or the egg?